澳门新莆京游戏(China)APP大厅-Global Reputation


Deepayan Bhowmik

  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2021-11-02
  • 点击量:

2011: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Image and Video Processing, University of Sheffield, UK

Adaptive signal processing and its application; multimedia processing; multimodal signal and image processing; embedded image and signal processing on heterogenous hardware.

Founder, member and group leader of Stirling Vision and Image Processing lab.

Programme director M.Sc. Big Data and M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence (University of Stirling).

Cybersecurity research theme leader (Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance).

Leading JPEG international standard on Media Blockchain.

PhD Scholarship (2006-10), EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award.


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下一篇:Anne Lawrie

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