澳门新莆京游戏(China)APP大厅-Global Reputation


Alexander E. I. Brownlee

  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2021-11-02
  • 点击量:

2009: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Computer Science, Robert Gordon University, Scotland, UK

Explainable optimisation, metaheuristics, fitness modelling, handling constraints and multiple objectives, and decision support.

Worked with commercial airline KLM to improve software.

Academic Chair, SISCA Ph.D. Conference 2019.

Reviewer of several journals including IEEE TEC and Evolutionary Computation.

Won places at Scottish (2016) and UK Digital Economy (2017) Crucibles, training in research leadership, interdisciplinary working and public communication

上一篇:Anna Whittaker


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