澳门新莆京游戏(China)APP大厅-Global Reputation



  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2021-05-29
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Congratulations on the establishment of the “Chengdu University - Stirling College”,with the approval from the Chinese Ministry of Education. The Chengdu University - Stirling College is a Sino-British International College of Health and Sports Industry, which is co-established between Chengdu University and the University of Stirling, UK. Its establishment is a landmark achievement of the university's continuous internationalisation strategy and an important milestone on the journey of building a distinctive and first-class city university in China. I am very excited and full of expectation for this.

Chengdu University is the host university of the athletes' village of the 31st World University Summer Games, and the University of Stirling is the UK Sport University of the Year. The two institutions share a common vision of cultivating innovative talents for the future needs of the health and sports industry. Through interdisciplinary cultivation and cross-border education, our two institutions are committed to helping aspiring Chinese youths to continuously build up their 21st century skills, enhance their global competence, and expand their national and global perspectives in their pursuit of knowledge and learning.

Welcome to the Chengdu University - Stirling College! Welcome to be a member of the University of Stirling and Chengdu University Education Community!

Professor Wang Qingyuan

President of Chengdu University


下一篇:我校首个中外合作办学机构“澳门新莆京游戏app大厅” 获教育部正式批准

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